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  • Naqiya Tabassum

Content Filtering in Libraries

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

The Internet has taken the world by storm. With more and more users connected online, new concerns arise prominently among young users, leading to a necessity for Content Filtering.

Content filtering is also known as Internet filtering or Censorware. It is a program that uses software or hardware to block pages or entire sites that you deem repugnant. It filters out innocuous things that could be dangerous or give unpleasant results and establishes rules about the types of sites that can be visited. It is important to adopt an Internet safety policy, especially when using e-communication.

A content filter will filter out specific material chosen by the fiduciary to conceal undesired search results. It is often confused with Content-based Filtering or Cognitive Filtering which is used by Google, an algorithm to improve users' search results. On the contrary, Content Filters block undesirable sites from the search results. While using internet filters, contents are grouped into categories using keywords or other commonalities between sites such as sports, gambling, adult, streaming, and so on. The sites under undesirable categories are blocked in the network. Most content filter manufacturers compile a list of sites they consider inappropriate and list them under different profiles, which are often customized based on the user's age.

The types of content filtering are based on the environment it is used in, selectively used in Businesses and Schools.

Businesses are subjected to malware threats. The majority of these threats are unintentionally brought about by employees that open phishing emails or from inappropriate website surfing. Consequently creating a need to filter out pages and websites that are deemed obscene and distracting for the employees including social media. In such situations, DNS-Filters are utilized. DNS Filtering is a specific type of content filtering that uses the DNS layer to filter based on IP addresses. It is used as a means of controlling web use and reducing infections from outside sources, and to increase the productivity of their employees.

Having minors, Schools must protect their students' mental and physical well being, as well as from threats they can't understand. Being a netizen as students they are subjected to cyber bullying, exposure to self-harm and suicides, radicalizations, identity theft from hackers, and obscene content online. Schools are poorly funded and do not have enough resources to shield their students from such threats but on the other hand, hackers have plenty of time and the required resources. Content filtering protects private data as well as blocks inappropriate content from being viewed by the students to a huge extent.

Libraries have always been a source of knowledge and information but different threats from the internet have made it difficult to prevent patrons from accessing inappropriate sites inadvertently. They must deny access to pornographic websites, gambling, social media, and gaming sites in places filled with learning.

Libraries over wired or wireless networks must have content filtering as a source of protection from such sites and pages.

Web filtering may have protected users from internet threats but the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Web Filtering can carry positive implications "Secure web gateway" of protection and security while others carry negative implications of censorship or infringement of rights.

Internet filtering is one of the most prevalent and recurring intellectual freedom challenges for libraries worldwide. Internet filters for libraries have brought censorship but libraries, in turn, must allow the public to access the largest possible range of information. Filtering may be considered censorship, especially if it blocks inoffensive sites charged by politics. These may be self-conscious as users may not be aware that the particular content is blocked. Content filters are antagonistic to the mission of the library to present free and open access to all information. If an internet filter is not carefully applied estimable educative information may be involuntarily blocked. Content filters also affect content-based restrictions on free speech. The speed of the internet may be noticeably slower with the usage of web filters instead, DNS-based web filters can be used which will not have a prominent effect on the speed.

Content filtering may not be able to effectively block all inappropriate sites or pages and instead block harmless sites required by the user. A comprehensive filter that updates regularly and allows changes is exemplary. As students or employees utilize the search, a better understanding of what content is required can be made and significant changes can be made.

Due to the current pandemic situation, students are into virtual classrooms with the need to obtain softcopy books. One does not have to go too deep into the web to find inappropriate content, just like how privacy over the web is essential. Content filtering is a new norm for the well-being of the netizens, being either physically or mentally. It indeed brings about criticism for censorship but the benefits of content filtering are far outweighed compared to the negatives, making it an essential obligation.

- Naqiya Tabassum

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