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  • Cassandra Rifflin

Beauty standards and women

Women’s role around the world is dynamic and accelerating. They are growing and advancing in many aspects of life but there’s always been one thing that weighs them down and refrains them from becoming their better versions. That, ladies and gentlemen, are the so-called '' beauty standards”- always wanting women to fulfil a bunch of unattainable goals and making them feel inferior by doing the same.

So What are these beauty standards? Who sets or raises the bar? What makes an ideal woman? Or is it even a thing?

To answer all these questions we need to understand the notion of feminine beauty in a broader prospect so that, we can define our own beauty standards and help others to create their own. In this blog, we’ll try to do the same!

To start with let us recall and introspect an old school nursery song:

Chubby cheeks Dimpled chin Rosy lips Teeth within Curly hair Very fair Eyes are blue Lovely too…

And the poem literally describes a teacher’s pet!

As a child, I used to love this song. But now, I realize that we have been exposed to these unrealistic beauty standards at a very young age and also have been brainwashed that we can acquire favoritism and love only by owning certain outward looks.

The stereotypical mentality of “Feminine beauty” is a socially constructed notion that indicates that physical attractiveness is one of the women's most important assets and should never be compromised, at any cost! This pressure put on women to always look perfect has dilapidated their self-esteem and worth. These standards agonize women so much that they are not sure if they are good enough for themselves and society because the standards imposed on them are ever-changing with time, region, and different perspectives.

For example, if we consider the region as a factor, every country has its own definition of “beauty”. Considering India for instance, women with fair/medium complexion, large eyes, long black hair, etc., are considered beautiful, Americans on the other hand expect sophisticated looks in women while Koreans prefer young and youthful-looking females. So we cannot define beauty, which is accepted by everyone.

And how are we exposed to this daily? Of course, it’s social media. A recent study shows that in 2021, about 0.448 Billion out of 1.39 Billion Indians are active social media users. One can estimate how many children, youth and even grown-ups are beguiled by “Influencers” to look in a certain way. We cannot just ignore the fact that some people, in the same social platforms, with revolutionary minds, are trying their best to widen the ideology of beauty, with passion in their hearts and a sincere urge to educate people about self-care, body positivity, etc. but unfortunately, it’s comparatively lesser than the dump of unrealistic beauty standards.

This doesn’t stop here. As women compare themselves to these statuesque features they easily give in to fear and insecurity. This has also created serious mental health issues, identity issues, and even body dysmorphia as they scourge themselves in the act of becoming perfect. This can be practically examined by checking your Snapchat or Instagram. As you scroll through the filters provided by these platforms you can analyze how these filters can turn your lazy morning face into a ravishingly admirable one which is surreal. Not just common women but also women on the cover page go through all this when their pictures are airbrushed and photoshopped to look unnaturally stunning.

According to, even 30 minutes on social media can build up the worst insecurities in women and make them dubious about their weight and appearance. Also, over 14 % of students in high school consider suicide and approximately 7% of them attempt suicide and at least half of suicides among youngsters are related to bullying, mostly for their outward appearance and physical looks.

This vapid vision of beauty has manipulated women their entire lives.

So what is the solution?

Well, it’s the shift of perspective and of course self-acceptance!

We cannot shift each and everyone’s perspective as changing every corrupt mindset is a tedious process but self-acceptance comes from within and it can start from you! Women come in all shapes, sizes, colours and personalities. No beauty standard can compare different masterpieces as it would be a fatuous thing to do!

So why do women wear makeup or go to the gym? does it contradict self-acceptance? No! Makeup can enhance one’s look, confidence and even personality but it's up to every individual to opt for it or not. Staying fit and healthy should be one of our primary goals in life as it not only makes you immune to many diseases but also makes you feel good about yourself. Striving to become better yourself enhances your life daily and boosts your confidence to the next level.

On the other hand, total reliance on makeup or starving yourself to get in shape as in self-loathing ends up disastrous.

With People dying every day and things going on around the world, we should be thankful enough for what we already have, respect, love and accept ourselves to help others in need and educate the next generation that a perfect body is where a happy person lives and beauty comes from within.

Your health, strength, integrity, positivity, compassion and love should define your beauty standards. You should be the one who sets and raises the bar healthily so you become your best version. So, Accept every bit of yourself. All the little imperfections, in the long run, should be gracefully embraced because they make us who we are and it’s unique in its way!

“The standard of beauty is not definite, we define it” ~ Shamcey supsup

Hence we can conclude that these socially constructed beauty standards can neither define nor reprimand our beauty or self-worth. We'll be wasting our time and energy trying to meet each and every ideal set by society. It's a wake-up call for all of us to tear down this made-up version of beauty and create our own ones so that we feel good about ourselves inside out. so all we ever need is the right mindset to accept ourselves and others the very own way we are!

In short, with all these perfect flaws let’s create our beauty laws!


Cassandra Rifflin

Editor - Irum

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